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[E] TheHoneyLancer
[E] TheHoneyLancer
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over 14 years ago
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over 14 years ago
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Oh haha that answers that. Ugh he is such a little pain sometimes. Sorry again for all this. Hopefully you can understand that it wasn't me. Any chance i can get the ban lifted. I'll repair all the damage he did obviously and compensate anyone who's house he messed with
over 14 years ago
Yeah that's no problem. I have no idea what he did/said. He is 8 and i didn't think he would work out how to even get off single and into multiplayer but seems i don't give him enough credit. As you said i'm obviously not going to donate $20 to then grief and get banned less than 30 hours later. Any idea who banned me so i can contact them to try and resolve this?
over 14 years ago
Just let my little cousin on my minecraft and said to stay on single player. Just came back in to find him roaring with laughter telling me he had got me banned. Just tried to log in and it does indeed say i'm banned. He won't tell me what he did. But obviously I wouldn't donate $20 and then start griefing someone. So massive apologies and if i'm unbanned i shall reverse any damage he has done. Sorry again but it wasn't of my doing.
over 14 years ago
Just got minecraft not too long ago and did the usual stuff on single player, really enjoyed it and thought i'd join a multiplayer server because i've heard it's so fun. So i've become a member and donated. But now i'm completely lost. I have no idea how to access my gold, i don't know where it is safe for me to go out and build a house or even just mine. I'm super lost and would greatly appreciate help. You all seem pretty friendly so i thought i'd post here rather than spamming chat with massive messages
over 14 years ago